General Prep Instructions
It is very important that the patients manage their glucose (sugar) intake prior to the exam. If their glucose is not at the right level, the exam may need to be cancelled, or the results may not be optimal.
- No food (NPO) 6 hours prior to appointment
- You may drink water but no other liquids (Drink at least 3 extra 8 oz. of water 6-8 hours before)
- Limit exercise/exertion 24 hrs. prior to exam
- No gum chewing 24 hrs. prior to exam
- May take medications prior to arrival at center
Diabetic Preparations
It is very important that the patients manage their glucose (sugar) intake prior to the exam. If their glucose is not at the right level, the exam may need to be cancelled, or the results may not be optimal.
- If the patient is diabetic and controlled with oral medication, they can take medication but nothing to eat after midnight (Note: ask patient what sugar level is in the mornings. Anything-above 175, we cannot scan because it won’t pick up saturated material. It loses sensitivity to scan). They must consult with their physician to bring level down.
- If the patient is diabetic and controlled with insulin, they must follow their regular diet (meals) and insulin schedule prescribed by physician. NO REGULAR INSULIN should be given within 2 hours of the PET Scan or it will drive the FDG into muscle tissue. (Note: ask patient what sugar level is in the mornings. Anything-above 175, we cannot scan because it won’t pick up saturated material. It loses sensitivity to scan). They must consult with their physician to bring level down.
- You may drink water but no other liquids, drink at least 3 extra 8 oz. of water 6-8 hours before
- Limit exercise/exertion 24 hrs. prior to exam
- No gum chewing 24 hrs. prior to exam
- May take medications prior to arrival at center
>>Click Here for Printable Patient Instructions (.PDF file, 818 KB)